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Court of Appeal Obligates Kyivstar to Pay Fine, Amounting to UAH 21 Mln, to AMCU

Wednesday, 12 September 2018 16:20

The company will not avoid punishment due to the violation of antimonopoly legislation.

The Kyiv Economic Court of Appeal cancelled the ruling of the lower court and obligated the mobile operator Kyivstar to pay the fine, amounting to UAH 21 mln, which the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine imposed for violating the principles of calls billing, Liga reports.

Pursuant to the court ruling, dated August 28, 2018, AMCU’s decision dated 14 December 2017 on imposing the fine is legal and cancelled the economic court ruling on suspending this decision.

“The operator used three types of statements in his communication on the billing terms, two of which indicated that the billing is “per-second”. In fact, this statement is erroneous – the cost of a full minute of conversation was debited during the first second of conversation”, AMCU stated after the fine was imposed.

Kyivstar applied to court where in early March 2018, the case was initiated. Then the court ordered to freeze sanction until the court ruling on the merits of dispute.

It should be noted that the same court proceeding is being held between AMCU and lifecell, which was obligated to pay the fine, amounting to UAH 19 mln, in September 2017.

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