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Kobolev is Ready to Extend His Contract in Naftogaz

Friday, 26 October 2018 16:40

CEO of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC Andrei Kobolev is ready to extend his contract, continuing to work in the company after 26 March 2019, he informed in the interview to LB.ua, interfax reports.

“If the shareholder finds its necessary to leave me at this post, it is interesting. If he finds not… On March 26, the Cabinet of Ministers will have to decide: whether to extend my contract, or terminate. There is another option – to do nothing, but this situation is undesirable, as it will immediately disrupt the company management”, he said.

According to A. Kobolev, in case of refusal of the government to extend contract with him, he intends to return to work in private business.

“I think that I will go to the private business. I was never interested in the public service or political career, but the private business always attracted me. After working at Naftogaz, I worked in private business for four years, four good and pleasant years”, A. Kobolev added.

Reportedly, A. Kobollev became CEO of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC from late March 2014.

Naftogaz of Ukraine is the association of largest oil & gas producing companies of the country. The holding is the monopolist in natural gas transit and storage in underground storages as well as oil transportations through pipeline over the country’s territory.  

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