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NABU Serves Summons on Martynenko for Interrogation

Tuesday, 06 November 2018 17:46

The detective of the National Anticorruption Bureau served a summons on Nikolai Martynenko for interrogation as a witness, NABU press office reports.

“On November 2018, the former deputy of Ukraine, the former chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Fuel and Energy Complex, was served with a summons for interrogation as a witness within the international law order of law enforcement bodies of the Czech Republic. Other information on the investigation of the criminal proceeding by competent bodies of the Czech Republic is confidential and is not subject to disclosure”, the agency noted.

NABU considers that the behavior of the former people’s deputy arouses indignation and is unacceptable in any civilized country of the world.

“The detectives of the National Bureau duly served a summons in accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedural code of Ukraine”, the Bureau noted.

On Monday morning, NABU detective attempted to serve a summons on Nikolai Martynenko for interrogation as a witness, but he declined to accept a document.

Later, Martynenko’s defense stated about the illegality of attempts to serve summons on him for interrogation.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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