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GE Locomotives Are Already Certified for Operation in Ukraine

Wednesday, 28 November 2018 16:16

The certification process of TE33A locomotives of Evolution series, produced by General Electric, delivered to Ukraine this year, has been completed, CEO of Ukrzalyznytsia said during the annual infrastructure day of EBA’s Logistics Committee, the company’s press office reports.

“The respective document was prepared by the certification authority for car building products of SE Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Car Building as per the order of General Electric and issued to the customer on November 15. And the first 8 locomotives are already ready for reception from Kriukov Car Building Plant”, the press office reports.

According to the message, the certificate proves the locomotives’ compliance with requirements of safety rules and technical specifications of the order.

“After obtaining the compliance certificate, TE33A locomotives of Evolution series, produced by General Electric will be involved in railroad transportation of Ukraine”, the company stated.

It should be reminded that on November 8, Ukrzaliznytsia started testing of the first General Electric locomotive on the railroad network of Ukraine.

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