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Head of State Property Fund Complained about Sabotage of Large Privatization

Friday, 30 November 2018 17:13

The District Administrative Court of Kyiv adjourned the trial on approving investment advisors for five large state companies getting prepared for privatization for December 11. It blocked the approval of advisers, Acting Head of State Property Fund Vitalii Trubarov wrote in Facebook.

The reason became the failure to attend by the claimant, Grant Thornton, which decided to appeal results of selection of investment advisors after its defeat at the competition.

“And namely failure to attend trial, which they initiated, is the conclusive evidence that their aim was to block the process of large privatization to please oligarchic groups, which do not wish to go with state properties”, Trubarov noted.

SPF Head considers that these “so-called claimants are fully aware that these accusations are baseless and make so to delay case and impede a fair privatization”.

“I hope that on December 11, the court will consider the case irrespective of presence of “offended” and the investment advisors were approved by the Cabinet of Minister this year”, Trubarov emphasized.

It should be reminded that Grant Thornton acknowledges that the competitions on selecting advisors for preparing for sale of some state companies were held with gross violations during the second stage on 30-31 July 2018.

It refers to Indar, United Mining and Chemical Company, Odessa Seaport Plant and Electrotyazhmash and the mining company Krasnolimanskaya.

According to the company’s data, in presence of all participants of the competition, the envelopes with competition requirements were printed, their compliance was determined as well as the best competition offers were not determined through scoring points.

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