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NBU Starts Diagnostics of 40 Banks in May 2016

Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:43

 In 2017 the regulator is expecting from banks the return to transactional profitability.

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) plans to start diagnostics of 40 banks in May 2016 as well as diagnostics of transactions with associated persons all over the banking system, the Director of Banking Supervision Department Ekaterina Rozhkova said at the monthly meeting with top managers of major banks, RBC-Ukraine reports.

According to Rozhkova, one of the main directions of NBU work in the current year will be the implementation of consolidated supervision.

The message says that in the previous year NBU has completed diagnostics of the top twenty banks. As of today, there are no confirmed results on three banks. Out of 20 banks verified, 4 banks do not require capital increase, 5 banks have already performed capital increase program, envisaged for 3 years. Currently the active work is being conducted on 6 banks and 3 more financial institutions will join them after confirmation of their results. On two banks the work is having its final stage of approval of the program.

Furthermore, according to the Deputy Governor of the NBU, Yakiv Smolii, this year there will be a strengthening of requirements to the capital increase of financial institutions, which intend to conduct funds transfers and disclosure of ultimate owners of payment systems as well as financial institutions – participants of payment systems. He noted that in 2016 NBU plans to continue working on development of the National System of Massive Electronic Payments (NSMEP), to increase the number of ATMs and POS, which accept updated payment cards of NSMEP.

NBU plans for 2016 also include the expansion of the regulator’s mandate for regulation of nonbanking financial market.

In addition, the National Bank jointly with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine prepares the development strategy of state banks till 2020, which envisages the transition of “Ukreximbank” and “Oschadbank” to the work on exclusively competitive and commercial basis.

It should be reminded that previously NBU has extended criteria for determination of banks, which belong to international banking groups.  

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