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Anti-Corruption Bureau to Audit Deposits of Hontareva’s Son in Delta Bank

Thursday, 21 January 2016 17:39

 The National Anti-Corruption Bureau started the prejudicial investigation towards NBU Governor Valeria Hontareva. The reason for this is deposits at Delta-Bank, which allegedly belong to Hontareva’s son. By its resolution dd. January 13, 2016, Solomenskyi District Court satisfied the claim of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and opened the temporary access to original deposit agreements.

According to the court resolution, the management of the National Bank, “abusing its power, acting on purpose, in order to make profit for members of their family, informed the latter about financial standing of Delta Bank, permitted them to withdraw funds from deposit account of Delta Bank for the amount of UAH 12.5 mln”.

During interview to Hubs, on March 27, 2015, NBU Governor Valeria Hontareva reported that her elder son had deposit at Delta Bank for the amount of UAH 800 ths. “It was the deposit of my elder son. The grandfather bequeathed him an apartment, he sold it and placed the deposit of UAH 800 ths in Delta Bank for one year. A year passed, when the bank already did not return deposits, which is why he never withdrew it. The Deposit Guarantee Fund will pay him UAH 200 ths – the rest will be lost”, she stated.

The court resolution provides the copy of bank account statement of Valeria Hontareva’s son, as per which on February 9, 2015, the deposit amount of UAH 800 ths, which he withdrew from account on February 10, was transferred to the indicated account.

In the meantime, NBU press-service rebutted information on withdrawal by Hontareva’s son of the deposit at the liquidated Delta Bank before the introduction of temporary administration. In corroboration they have provided the copy of statement, which proves that he obtained UAH 200 ths from the Fund, Minfin reports.

The indication also reflects the copy of statement of the wife of Hontareva’s son on card account transaction from February 2 to February 27, 2015. It is indicated in the statement that on February 10 Hontareva’s son transferred UAH 300 ths to his wife’s account. In addition, on February 11 and 12, 2015, the wife of Hontareva’s son transferred amounts of UAH 149.9 ths, UAH 50 ths and UAH 50 ths to unknown beneficiaries.

The National Bank declared Delta Bank insolvent on March 2.

The Individuals’ Deposit Guarantee Fund decided to change the term of temporary administration for insolvent Delta Bank.

In August the Fund extended terms of temporary administration in the bank till October 2 inclusive.   

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