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Financial Violations for UAH 420 Million Found in NAAS

Thursday, 15 September 2016 15:50

While conducting the inspection of activities of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine and 102 enterprises and institutions within its jurisdiction, the State Auditing Service found financial violations, amounting to UAH 421 million, as reported in the message of the State Auditing Service.

According to the message, during 2015-2016 the State Auditing Service conducted inspections of certain items of financial and business activities of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and 102 enterprises and institutions within its jurisdiction. During the inspections, the activities of specified entities were audited from 01 January 2013 to 31 May 2016.

“The undertaken measures demonstrated the systemic nature of violations, absence of proper control by academy over allocation of land, property and funds. As the result, the amount of financial violations, found during the inspections, was more than UAH 421 mln. Out of them, the violations, which led to losses, are more than UAH 52 mln”, - the press-office reports.

The business transactions, which negatively influenced the financial result of activities of enterprises and organizations of the academy due to inefficient management decisions, taken by managers, were also found. The total amount of the operations found is more than UAH 30.5 mln.

In addition, the State Auditing Service employees found that enterprises and organizations of the academy purchased commodity and material valuables, amounting to approximately UAH 37 mln, violating the public procurement legislation and not conducting the relevant procedures.

“Within the specified period, the practice of illegal seizure of land plots of enterprises and institutions of the academy continued. The total area of such lands was more than 5.5 ths hectares”, according to the message.

As it is reported, the public auditors also found that the academy uses 39 ths hectares of lands without title establishing documents, which can lead to their illegal seizure.

“Due to improper accounting report of the buildings, land plots and other properties other financial violations were found, in particular, in terms of cost undervaluation of property, amounting to more than UAH 187 mln”, the press-office reports.

According to the message, each year the significant financial resources are allocated from the budget for conducting scientific researches, scientific and technical developments in the sphere of agricultural sciences to the institutions of the academy.

“However some scientific technical developments, made in previous years, amounting to UAH 17 mln, have not still been implemented. This demonstrated the distraction of budgetary funds for conducting scientific works, not taking into account the objective necessity of these works”, according to the message.

“The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was reported about the results of conducted inspections. The materials of inspections, conducted in 2015, were directed to the Central Investigation Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office and attached to materials of the relevant criminal proceedings   ”, the State Auditing Service reports. 


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