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Ukraine Prepares New System of Payment of Taxes and Fees

Monday, 20 February 2017 16:27

This year, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine plans to implement the system of payment of taxes and fees through the single account, with distribution of payments on separate accounts, based on taxpayers’ reporting, Head of the State Treasury Service Tatiana Sliuz said, according to Finance.ua.

“One more project, which we would like to implement, and some norms are already set in the Tax Code – it is the payment to the single account”, she said.

Sliuz explained that the system will function by analogy to the automatic VAT reimbursement, i.e. the accounts will be automatically opened for taxpayers, and the State Treasury will automatically accrue taxes, based on their reporting.

According to her, it will allow saving time of taxpayers and prevent fines of tax authorities for transferring taxes to the wrong account.

“I think that it will work from January 1, 2018. Not on all taxes: VAT remains here; so does the excise tax; for the income tax it is not possible, plus unified social tax”, Sliuz added.

The Chairwoman of the State Treasury also noted that the necessary amendments to the Tax Code were introduced and it is required to correct the orders of the Ministry of Finance and the State Fiscal Service, and the main base is built on the basis of the electronic VAT register, while the expenses for project implementation are insignificant, and the effect is obvious.

As reported, on December 21, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law with tax committee amendments, stipulating some changes to the Tax Code, which minimize the corruption risk within the authorities of the State Fiscal Service and improve the investment climate in the country.

The law introduces the full electronic taxpayer’s cabinet, which minimizes the contact of the taxpayer and SFS, the unified tax advice register was introduced on the SFS site, the unified public register of VAT reimbursement was created instead of two existing registers.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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