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Vienna Prosecutor’s Office Comes to Grips with Meinl Bank, through Which Ukrainian Banks Pumped Money

Wednesday, 01 March 2017 20:30

The Austrian Prosecutor’s Office came to grips with Meinl Bank, through which Ukrainian bankrupt banks actively withdrew funds in 2014-2015, according to Finance.ua, the Anti-Corruption Center reports in Facebook.

As reported, according to preliminary estimates, UAH 12 billion of several Ukrainian banks, in particular, Tavrika, Kyivska Rus, Pivdencombank etc, were withdrawn through Meinl Bank.

It should be reminded that in July 2016, the Kyiv Solomensky District Court permitted the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine to temporarily obtain access to NBU documents.

The detectives were permitted to make copies of documents. In the meantime, due to absence of evidence, for NABU, the access was denied to the materials on the refinancing of Khreshchatyk and Finance and Credit.

The new court decision also says that in 2014-2015, the executives of seven specified banks (the list does not contain CityCommerce Bank) and NBU, acting by previous concert with the use of correspondent accounts of these banks, opened in Meinl Bank Aktiengeselschaft, made financial transactions with funds, amounting to UAH 12 billion, which were previously embezzled as refinancing loans to the specified banks, through repayment of the loan debt of the companies, controlled by banks.

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