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Cabinet of Ministers to Conduct Interviews with Candidates for NABU Auditors

Wednesday, 24 May 2017 17:48

The Cabinet of Ministers intends to conduct interviews with candidates for the auditors of the National Anticorruption Bureau, proposed by the government, on May 24, Press Secretary of Prime Minister Dmitri Stoliarchuk told to Ukrainian Truth on Wednesday.

“We are planning today, at 2:00 pm. There will be an online streaming”.

Previously, on Wednesday, Chairman of the Management Board of the Anticorruption Center and Expert of Anticorruption Group “Reanimation Reforms Package” Vitali Shabunin noted that the schedule and the list of candidates for NABU auditors, proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers as of 10:00 am was not promulgated.

“The government does not report anything intentionally, because they want to conduct interviews behind the closed doors. The foreign experts were informed the day before again, but they all confirmed their participation, including experts from the U.S., whose interviews will be conducted at night”, Shabunin noted.

As known, on March 19, the Cabinet of Ministers started the selection of the auditor for NABU.

The non-governmental organizations proposed the Cabinet of Ministers 9 candidates for the position of the member of the commission for external control of NABU’s performance audit.

On March 21, the Verkhovna Rada failed to appoint one of three auditors for the National Anticorruption Bureau. The candidates Robert Storch and Nigel Brown were proposed to Rada.

According to the Law on the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine, the President, the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers annually define one member of the commission out of the individuals, who have huge experience of work at preliminary investigation bodies, the prosecution bodies, foreign courts or international organizations, which have necessary knowledge and skills for conducting such assessment (audit) as well as are highly-reputable. 

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