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Court Permits General Prosecutor’s Office to Impound EY’s Audit Report Regarding PrivatBank

Thursday, 25 May 2017 17:30

On May 19, the Kyiv’s Pechersk District Court permitted the General Prosecutor’s Office to impound the EY’s Audit Report regarding the financial standing of PrivatBank, Finance.UA reports.

It is evidenced by the court materials.

GPOU’s investigators conduct investigation against PrivatBank’s former management.

The investigation established that during the NBU refinancing period, the PrivatBank’s executives disbursed loans to legal persons, associated persons under the terms, unprofitable for the bank.

According to the investigation, in 2016, Ernst and Young LLC conducted the analysis of the financial and business operations of PrivatBank, as per the results of which the report was prepared.

On May 19, the court permitted the investigators to impound the “Report on the status of the analysis of financial and business operations of PrivatBank” for establishing the event of crime (time, place, method and other circumstances) and the persons, involved in committing the crime.

In addition, the court permitted to impound, on the specified case, the registration documents of such companies: Novofarm, Ingosstrakh IC, Key Decision LLC, Privatoffice LLC, House Communal Services LLC, OPF LLC, Elara LLC, Freeline LLC, Candela LLC, Grain Supplies M LLC, New World Agency LLC, Okeanmash LLC, Tylon LLC, LT Group LLC, Privat Service Center LLC, Spectrum Energo LLC, Central Processing Company LLC, Arkhon LLC, Vityaz LLC, Geolant LLC, Imris LLC, Ukrenergoresurs LLC, Hydroprommetis LLC, Bless-U LLC, Collatsio LLC, Entry-7 LLC, A-Leks Law Firm, Revotel LLC, Ria Leasing LLC, Lux Office LLC, Interregional Financial Union LLC, Financial Vector Asset Management Company LLC, Financial Capital Asset Management Company LLC, Makros LLC, PB Consulting LLC, Megaprom-LTD LLC, Palmar LLC, Yatonga LLC, First Ukrainian Scoring Company LLC.

Reference information from Finance.UA:

Previously, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audited PrivatBank.

The National Bank filed claims against PricewaterhouseCoopers due to the violations while appraising PrivatBank’s assets.

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