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Naftogaz Vs Gazprom: Arbitrage Extends Deadline of Decision Due to Complaints of Russians

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 17:03

The Stockholm Arbitration Court extended deadlines of approving decisions on the cases between Naftogaz of Ukraine and Gazprom to late December 2017 and late February 2018 due to the fact that Russian company appeal against the separate decision of the arbitration court under the gas supply contract, according to the press office of Naftogaz, Finance.ua reports quoting Ukrinform.

“On November 7, Gazprom PJSC appealed against the separate decision of the tribunal from May 31, 2017 under the gas supply contract. On November 9, the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce extended the deadline of approval of decisions on cases between Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC and Gazprom PJSC under the gas supply and transit contracts to December 30, 2017 and February 28, 2018 respectively”, according to the message.

As of today, two contracts are effective between Naftogaz and Gazprom: for gas supply and its transit over the territory of Ukraine. In 2014, the proceedings were initiated on each of them in Stockholm.

The supply contract stipulates Naftogaz’s obligation to pay for 41.6 bln of cub. m. of gas per year, no matter whether it collects these volumes or not. Taking into account 2017, Gazprom’s claims on this contractual clause as of the end of current year was more than USD 56 bln (including interests). In the separate decision as of May 31, 2017, the court denied to satisfy such claims from Gazprom.

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