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SWIFT Disconnects Iran from Its System amid U.S. Sanctions

Wednesday, 14 November 2018 16:46

The international interbank financial telecommunication system SWIFT disconnected the Central Bank of Iran and other organizations of the country from its system, Reuters reports.

AsU.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Sigal Mandelker noted, Washington is going to implement tough sanctions against Iran.

He also noted that U.S. is ready to implement additional measures, if it will be required to strengthen pressure.

It should be reminded that from November 5, U.S. put into effect the next package of sanctions against Iran, which affects key areas of the economy of the republic. On the same day, the access of several banks of Iran to the financial communication system SWIFT was suspended.

Washington intends to “aggressively and inexorably” increase sanction pressure on Iran and demand it from other countries.

In its turn, opposing such sanctions, the European Union intends to create the special financial institution to ensure financial transactions with Iran for evading U.S. sanctions.

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