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U.S. Extends Anti-Dumping Duties for Ukraine

Wednesday, 14 November 2018 16:50

U.S. International Trade Commission kept current antidumping duties for ordering import of this product from China and Ukraine.

U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) extended antidumping duties in respect of the import of silico-manganese, which origin is from Ukraine and China, the press office of USITC informs on the official website, Correspondent.net reports.

“U.S. International Trade Commission concluded that the revocation of current antidumping customs restrictions for the import of silico-manganese from China and Ukraine will probably lead to continuing or repeating material damages. As the result, the commission approved decision to keep antidumping duties for import of this product from China and Ukraine”, the message says.

It is noted that the said decision was revised after the five-year period of these duties had ended.

It is also known that it was the fourth full (five-year) revision of antidumping duties for silico-manganese from Ukraine, imposed by U.S. in 1994.

Previously, the European Commission extended antidumping duties for the import of seamless pipes with diameter of less than 406.4 mm from Ukraine and Russia.

It should be reminded that last year, U.S. permitted to import Ukrainian pipe without duties. U.S. Department of Trade approved decision to extend the contract on price undertakings of Ukrainian pipe products.

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