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U.S. Postpones Imposition of New Duties against China

Friday, 16 November 2018 16:07

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump postponed imposition of a new round of import duties on Chinese goods in order to attempt to settle trade disputes with Beijing through negotiations. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer provided such information to some executives of companies, Financial Times informed on Thursday quoting the knowledgeable sources, UNN reports.

Meanwhile, the official representative of Lighthizer’s Office said to Financial Times that the plans of imposition of a new round of import duties in respect to China were not cancelled.

As Reuters reports quoting his representative, Lighthizer himself refuted the information provided by the newspaper. According to him, during trade negotiations, U.S. Trade Representative did not make any allegations against company executives about the change of Washington’s intentions. “The plan on imposing duties… did not change at all. Any other messages are not correct”, the press secretary of Lighthizer stated.  

Previously, on Thursday, the official representative of the Ministry of Commerce of China Gao Feng reported that China’s authorities renewed bilateral negotiations on settling trade and economic disputes from November 1, when President of PRC Xi Jinping and U.S. President Donald Trump had phone conversation.

As UNN reported, U.S. is ready for the cold war with China in case if Beijing does not change its policy, on Tuesday U.S. Vice President confirmed that during interview with The Washington Post.

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