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Manafort Breaks Deal with Investigative Agencies

Tuesday, 27 November 2018 16:37

Donald Trump’s Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort broke the deal, previously concluded with investigative agencies.

While considering a case of Donald Trump’s Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, the prosecution will be released from obligations assumed with the deal, as the latter violated terms of this deal, according to the report of U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Correspondent.net reports.

Meanwhile, the document notes that Manafort’s obligations and his plea of guilty remain in force.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed crimes under the federal criminal law by lying the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Office of Special Counsel on several matters”, the document says.

It should be reminded that on August 22, the jury in the court of Alexandria (Virginia State) returned a verdict on Manafort case, finding him guilty on eight out of 18 charges. Manafort will face up to 80 years of imprisonment upon all charges. U.S. President Donald Trump stated that he will consider the pardon of the political strategist.

In order to avoid the second court process, Manafort stated that he is ready to plead guilty and cooperate with investigative agencies.

Manafort case is considered within the investigation of Special Counsel Mueller into possible Russia’s interference with U.S. presidential elections in 2016. Trump and his assistants are suspected of liaisons with Russian authorities. U.S. President, his assistants and Russia deny such accusations.

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