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Trump Allows Manafort’s Pardon

Thursday, 29 November 2018 16:23

U.S. President stated that the issue regarding the pardon of the former campaign manager Paul Manafort “is not off the table”.

U.S. President Donald Trump does not exclude possibility of the pardon of his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, The New York Post informs, Correspondent.net reports.

“It was never discussed, but I would not lay this issue on the table. Why will I do it?”, U.S. President said.

It should be reminded that on August 22, the jury in the court of Alexandria (Virginia state) delivered a verdict on Manafort’s case, finding him guilty on eight out of 18 counts. Manafort will face up to 80 years of imprisonment upon all charges. U.S. President Donald Trump said that he will consider the pardon of the political strategist.

To avoid the second judicial process, Manafort claimed that he is ready to admit part of charges against him and cooperate with investigation.

The Manafort’s case is considered within the investigation of Special Counsel Mueller into possible Russia’s interference with U.S. presidential elections of 2016.

Trump and his assistants are suspected of liaisons with Russian authorities. U.S. President, his assistants and Russia deny charges.

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