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EU Prepares Sanctions against UK

Wednesday, 07 February 2018 17:06

The European Commission started preparing the mechanism of sanctions against the United Kingdom in case if London violates agreements during the transition period.

The European Union started preparation of the mechanism of sanctions against the United Kingdom, if the agreements, achieved for Brexit time, are violated. The European Commission prepares respective draft sanctions, EU observer informs on Tuesday, February 6, Correspondent.net reports.

The draft document describes the bases for the transition period after Brexit from 29 March 2019 to 31 December 2020. The project of transition agreement will be attached to the Brexit agreement.

The draft document says that the Brexit agreement “should provide for the mechanism, which will allow the Union to suspend certain benefits, which the United Kingdom obtains from participation in the internal market, if it considers that the referral of the case to the EU Court will not bring necessary measures in due time”.

The actions of the court may last for years, while the transition period will last for 21 months.

The document also cautions that the United Kingdom “should refrain, during the transition period, from any actions or initiatives, which may probably harm the interests of the European Union”.

It was previously reported that the EU Council accepted additional terms on Brexit negotiations.

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