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On valid document of USSR "Regulation on bonuses for promoting invention and rationalization", norms in Law of Ukraine "On measures to prevent corruption" and circumstances that led to (might help) committing offense in the insurance market

Liudmyla Onyshchenko
forensic expert


According to Section 2.1. of Instruction on appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and expert studies[1] "expert indicates circumstances that led to (might help) committing offense". Provisions of Section 1.4. of Instruction on appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and expert research states that determining how to conduct examination (choice of certain techniques (methods) is within competence of expert.

Thus, expert in examination is entitled to point out that according to theory of control systems; situation is the result of social changes[2]. It comes from previous and goes in the next part. In other words, situation is procedural and has the extent of conformity with real state of affairs. Situation is also divided into:

- Normal (describing development within rules and regulations);

- Deviant (fixing various declination);

- Extreme (reflecting phenomena and processes that put the system on brink of life, questioning its very existence in the former quality).

An expert may note that example of situation in proper context of the control systems theory at insurance market may be the following.

Thus, MPs of Supreme Council of Ukraine rejected project law № 4254 "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine regarding non-proliferation effects of financial crisis on insurance market of Ukraine" from 20 of March 2009 (hereinafter - the bill #4254), which stipulated that activity of Financial Services Commission can be re-financed by contributions amounting up to 0.01% of premiums received by insurance market.

Regarding special contributions from insurance companies for SFS a number of experts from insurance market, based on European practice, came up supporting adoption of this bill, hoping that in this case the Financial Services Commission is interested in the quality of insurance services[3]. It is likely that such a position supporting the bill #4254 has historical roots. It is known that in 1894 the state supervision on activities of joint stock insurance companies was conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the former tsar Russia, inspectors of which were kept with the money of special contributions from insurance companies[4].

22.04.2010 by order of the Financial Services Commission[5] the "Concept of amendments to regulations on financing specifically authorized executive body in area of financial services regulation (payments supervision)" (hereinafter - "the concept of change") was adopted, which found that:

- The current system of funding Financial Services Commission is only at expense of the State Budget of Ukraine and unable to provide for adequate funding of Commission;

- Available financial, material and technical resources and human potential inherent in creation of the Financial Services Commission, no longer correspond to high dynamics of financial markets and complexity of their proposed products.

Announced in April 2010, "Concept of change" has not satisfied needs in sufficient funding for employees of Commission. In early February 2011 the Prosecutor General took into custody a member of the State Commission for alleged bribery of 2 million UAH "from the head of supervisory board of one of the credit unions in Odessa for decision on canceling orders of the head of the State Commission on introduction of interim administration"[6]. In July 2011 Decree of the President of Ukraine fired the Head of State Commission for violation the oath by public officer[7].

In May 2012 the prosecutor's office in Kyiv with Security Service of Ukraine held operational investigation and took into custody an officer in former premises of the SFS while receiving bribe for assistance in obtaining a license to operate in financial services market[8].

Consequently, in research part of economic study in the field of intellectual property in order to justify assessment procedures - an expert is entitled to pay attention to deviance of administrative methods of state regulation in the insurance market.

The above staff examples and lack of official guidance on legal mechanisms for technology transfer suggests that bribes became financial and logistical resources for state regulation of insurance market.

At the same time, financial and logistical resources for civil officers may be called "royalties" as is applicable:

• "Regulation on bonuses for promoting invention and rationalization" approved by Ordinance of USSR State Committee on labor and social issues from June 23, 1983 № 134;

• Ordinance of USSR State Committee on cases of Inventions and Discoveries "On approval of guidelines for planning invention and innovation in enterprises, organizations, institutions, associations, ministries and departments" from December 22, 1978 № 9 (42).


[1]Last edition approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine from 26.12.2012, № 1950/5, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 2, 2013, N 1/22533

[2]Nykyforuk B.V. System approach to management decisions / B.V. Nykyforuk. - Lviv, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, 2007. - 229 p.

[3]Official website for online edition «Prostobank.ua». MPs propose to implement additional financing of the Financial Services Commission at expense of the market /25.03.2009. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.prostobank.ua/layout/set/print/finansovyy_gid/strahovanie/novosti/deputaty_predlagayut_osuschestvlyat_dofinansirovanie_gosfinuslug_za_schet_rynka - The name from screen.

[4]Zaletov A.M. Principles of insurance law in Ukraine / O.M. Zalyetov, O.O. Slyusarenko // teach. handbook. edited by Doctor in Economic sciences B.M. Danylyshyna. - Kyiv: International Agency «BeeZone», 2003. - 384 p.

[5]Order of SFS #360 from 22.04.2010 "On Approval of the Concept of amendments to regulations on financing specifically authorized executive body in the sphere of financial services regulation (payments supervision)" [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.ligazakon.ua

[6]Official website for online edition «ZN.UA. Prosecutors arrested a member of the State Commission for alleged bribery of 2 million UAH/ 03.02. In 2011. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://news.dt.ua/ECONOMICS/genprokuratura_zatrimala_chlena_derfinposlug_za_pidozroyu_u_habari_na_2_milyoni_griven-74790.html

[7] Signature of this official is on the Order "On some issues of implementation of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles» № 566 from 09.07.2010, registered with the Ministry of Justice from 16.08.2010, № 689 / 17984 in year, when "Regulations on a single centralized database on compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles" were approved 

[8][Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://gazeta.ua/articles/life/_u-primischenni-derzhfinposlug-pravoohoronci-provodyat-operativno-slidchi-diji/438335

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