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Medvedchuk Confirms That His Wife Has Oil Business in Russia

Tuesday, 18 September 2018 16:26

Politician Viktor Medvedchuk confirmed that his wife, TV presenter Oksana Marchenko is the owner of business in Russia.

He stated this on the news channel NewsOne.

According to him, the information in the investigation of the journalists of the Scheme program, basically corresponds to reality.

"The information that appeared in most of the content and scope really corresponds to reality, because it is all indicated in the declarations. This is all in accessible sources ... As for those objects, which are referred to in the publication, it is true, I confirm this", he added.

In addition, he noted that Oksana Marchenko only owns the companies, and he manages the business.
"Oksana Marchenko, my wife, does not do business, she owns a business, and I run the business." Why cannot I own a business? Because my Americans loved me in March 2014 imposed sanctions on me. , which belongs to my family today», Medvedchuk said.

Recall, earlier in the investigation of the Scheme program it was reported that Oksana Marchenko through Cypriot firms owns the oil business in Russia.

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