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Banks of Two Oligarchs Have Insufficient Capital Adequacy – NBU

Tuesday, 25 September 2018 16:44

As of September 1, 2018, the capital adequacy of Credit Dnipro Bank (Kyiv) and Misto Banka (Odessa) was below the standard.

The respective data on the components of the regulatory capital of banks and its adequacy are published on the website of the National Bank, ET reports quoting Interfax-Ukraine.

According to the National Bank data, as of the said date, H2 ratio – capital adequacy – of the Credit Dnipro Bank was at 4.49% with minimum required 10%, Misto Banka – 4.15%.

Credit Dnipro Bank was founded in 1993. His sole shareholder is Brancroft Enterprises Liited, which indirectly belongs to the billionaire Victor Pinchuk.

According to the data of the National Bank, as of July 1, 2018, in terms of total assets (UAH 9.08 bln), the bank ranked 21 among 83 operating banks.

Miso Bank was founded in 1993. According to NBU data, as of May 18, 2018, the major shareholders of this financial institution were Ivan Fursin, who directly and indirectly owned 97,140513% of bank shares,, the citizen of Latvia Igor Buimister – 1.8373%.

Fursin and Dmitri Firtash were co-owners of PosUkrEnergo.

According to the National Bank, as of July 1, 2018, in terms of total assets, the bank ranked 45th (UAH 1.595 bln) among 83 operating banks of Ukraine.

It should be reminded that in August, Credit Dnipro increased its authorized capital by UAH 1.199 billion – up to UAH 2.72 billion through additional issue of shares.

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