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Privatbank Receives over 5 Billion UAH of Net Profit

Thursday, 18 October 2018 17:25

As of October 1, the net profit of Privatbank was UAH 5.4 billion, Chairman of the Board of the Bank Peter Krumkhanzl said during interview with the Economic Truth, НВ reports.

"For the first nine months of 2018, Privatbank's net interest income amounted to UAH 10.6 billion, the net commission income – UAH 11.7 billion. As you know, in September 2018, Privatbank formed 100% of reserves for the debts of ten foreign borrowing companies, which arose before nationalization. The bank will use all possible methods to return its loan funds, but for now, it has to cover losses of previous periods, amounting to UAH 5.9 billion from the profit from the bank’s current operations. Despite everything, Privatbank received UAH 5.3 billion as of October 1, 2018 arrived", he said.

According to the banker, there are so many factors, which can affect the bank’s profitability.

“However, I can firmly promise you that by late 2018, Privatbank will be one of the most profitable banks on the market”, Krumphanzl stressed.

In addition, he added that a few months ago, he met with one of the West European bankers. According to him, the investors carefully monitor developments on the Ukrainian banking market and are interested in participating in privatization of one of the Ukrainian state banks.

He also believes that the privatization of Privatbank is more political.

“If the political and economic situation in the country is stable and predictable, a foreign investor will be interested in Ukrainian banks. When asked who can become a potential investor in Privatbank, it is difficult for me to answer. The main player will be the Ministry of Finance, which will determine the sales strategy and set the terms of privatization. Now, they are unknown to me", he stressed.

It should be reminded that in 1st half of 2018, Privatbank received UAH 6.9 billion against a net loss of 2.9 billion in 1st half of the last year.

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