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International Agency Starts Assessing Gas Price in Ukraine

Monday, 22 October 2018 17:31

The international agency Argus Media (London), specializing in price and statistic data in energy and commodities, launched the gas price evaluation in Ukraine, the agency’s press release says, HB reports.

This is due to the fact that the gas market of Ukraine becomes an increasingly significant for the European energy system and more attractive for resource trade. Thus, from 2015, the number of international trading companies actively increases on the internal market as well as the national gas producers, traders and consumers.

“Our attention to Ukraine is connected with its increasing significance and rapid development”, Executive Director of Argus Adrian Banks noted.

The publication of evaluation of gas prices on the internal market of Ukraine is based on the analytical materials, prepared by the employees in Kyiv and London. The information allows comparing Ukrainian prices with generally accepted prices in Europe.

Argus Media was founded in 1970, publishes the price evaluation and the analysis of international energy and other commodity markets and provides consulting services.

The company is headquartered in London; there are also 21 offices in the largest countries, the services are provided in 140 countries. The company’s personnel includes about 950 employees. One of the large shareholders of the company is the large investment fund General Atlantic.

Argus’ Kyiv office opened in 2008, it published prices, news and analytics regarding the motor fuel (petrol) and LPG (autogas).

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