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Pentagon States Creation of U.S. Space Forces May Cost up to 10 Bln Dollars

Friday, 16 November 2018 16:13

The formation of U.S. Space Forces, about which President Donald Trump announced in June, will cost between 5-10 bln dollars for U.S. budget, First Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan said on Tuesday, UNN reports quoting The Hill.

In September, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson stated that the creation of U.S. Space Forces as a full class of armed forces of the country may cost about 12.9 bln dollars within the first five years.

U.S. President Donald Trump gave the order on creating Space Forces on June 18. Previously, Vice President Mike Pence specified that U.S. government expects to form their organizational basis by 2020. It is planned that by this time, in particular, the Department of Space Forces will be created in Pentagon’s structure. It is assumed that they will become the sixth full class of U.S. armed forces (in addition to the Army, Air Forces, Naval Forces, Marine Corps and Coast Guard).

Currently, the Pentagon’s structure has three separate departments, which operate respective classes of armed forces: Land Forces, Air Forces and Naval Forces. Their heads are not the member of the presidential cabinet, they report to U.S. Defense Secretary.

As UNN reported, the number of U.S. militaries on the border with Mexico reached almost 6 thousand people.

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