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Finalized Draft State Budget 2019 Is Brought Before Rada

Tuesday, 20 November 2018 16:05

The Ministry of Finance finalized the draft state budget 2019 and brought it before the Verkhovna Rada, the press office of the Ministry of Finance reports.

The revenues of the draft state budget 2019 are forecast at UAH 1,026.1 bln, including the general fund revenues – UAH 928.5 bln and the special fund revenues – UAH 97.6 bln.

The expenditures of the draft state budget 2019 are forecast at UAH 1,112.1 bln. The maximum limit of the state budget deficit is set at UAH 89.9 bln.

It is noted that the main factors, which influenced the revision of the state budget revenue forecast for the 2nd reading, include: taking into account the position of budgetary conclusions on the increase by UAH 2 bln of transfer of funds to the state budget by the National Bank; revision of separate revenues, in particular the corporate profit tax (increased by UAH 2.9 bln) through updated projected tax return in 2018, rental payment for mineral resource use for producing the natural gas (increased by UAH 9 bln) through increase of the gas price for domestic consumers and heat energy producers and own revenues of budgetary institutions (increased by UAH 1.4 bln).

In addition, the document includes the additional resource in connection with adoption of the law on imposing excise tax on motor vehicles (№ 8487) (+UAH 1 bln).

The state defense expenditures 2019 are forecast at UAH 211.9 bln (out of them, the state guarantees – UAH 5 bln).

The draft state budget 2019 also includes the resource for building new roads; that is why it will allocate UAH 55 bln, including – UAH 50.4 bln from the Road Fund and UAH 4.6 bln thanks to attracting funds of international donors.

It was previously reported that the Verkhovna Rada intends to consider the draft state budget 2019 in the second reading on November 22.

It should be reminded that on October 18, in the first reading, Rada voted for the draft budget 2019.

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