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The updated stock market information system is presented

Friday, 31 January 2014 15:59

SSMNC made a presentation of the system

National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (SSMNC) and Infrastructure Development Agency of Ukraine's stock market (IDAUSM) introduced new opportunities and directions for the development of information of the stock market to the market, the heads of government agencies that regulate the financial sector, parliamentarians and government officials, international experts and media, for the first time discussed at a roundtable with them the ways to develop further an effective and transparent system of information on the securities market. The event took place on January 30, 2014.

Chairman of SSMNC Dmitry Tevelev opening the event, said: «We talk a lot about the importance of information transparency as a guarantee to increase the investment attractiveness of the stock market and that this is actually our top priority. But creating a new complete and self-sufficient, above all, an efficient information system for the stock market result of work in this area is real and tangible, which is really useful for state regulators, market participants and investors».

Talking about the components and features of the system Yuri Boyko, director of IDAUSM noted that the Commission and the Agency have initiated a revolutionary change in the stock market, introducing electronic format for filing reports and maintaining the electronic registers that was the beginning of the development of information systems. «Currently, the information system of the securities market, in short, is an aggregation of different registers – securities of stock market, licensed participants, asset management companies, offenses, and other. It involves and contains merely all the statements of professional securities market participants and issuers. Emphasizing that the creation and development of the system was carried out without the budget only by experts of IDAUSM and now the stock market has a modern, comfortable, safe, efficient and reliable channel of communication with the regulator» - said Yuri Boiko.

According to a member of SSMNC Mychailo Nazarchuk, the developed system will promote the formation and monitoring of any analytical information that describes the stock market, will help clearing the calculations to comply with prudential regulations and, therefore, will reduce systemic risk in the stock market. «By the way, none of the countries of the CIS has any analogues of such systems, Ukraine is a pioneer in this, and I am proud with the work of my colleagues» - said a member of the Commission.

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Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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