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RF Hopes to Solve Issue of Ukraine’s Debt out of Court

Friday, 12 February 2016 16:00

The Russian Prime Minister Dmitrii Medvedev states that the issue of Ukraine’s debt to Russia, amounting to USD 3 billion, can be resolved out of court, if Kyiv recognizes the official status of its arrears, RIA News reports.

He stated that Russia can return overdue arrears at judicial instances, because Ukraine is legally in default.

“All necessary documents are currently being prepared, the relevant lawsuit is being formed, and our chances to win the court are pretty high. But I still hope that Ukrainian authorities will regulate the issue of state debt out of court”, - Medvedev said.

The Prime Minister also told that special negotiations, dedicated to the topic of Ukraine’s debt on the Munich conference, which President Petro Poroshenko is going to visit, are not planned.

“There is nothing to discuss here, debts should be returned. I claimed many times and am ready to repeat: the Ukraine’s loan is not private, this is a state, sovereign debt of one country to another. The status of state debt was recognized by the International Monetary Fund.  And that, as they say, is the medical fact”, Medvedev said.

On January 23, the Minister of Finance Natalia Yaresko stated that Ukraine and Russia can reach agreement on the debt for USD 3 billion out of court. Previously she informed about Ukraine’s readiness to alter conditions of Russia’s debt restructuring.

On February 9 it was reported that Russia recognized Ukraine’s proposals on debt restructuring unacceptable, which it received through Germany.


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