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Yatseniuk Names Three Options for Overcoming Political Crisis

Wednesday, 09 March 2016 17:53

The Prime Minister is against the pre-term parliamentary elections.

The Prime Minister has named three options for overcoming the political crisis in Ukraine, the press-service of the Cabinet of Ministers reports.

According to the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers, this is the renewal of activities of parliamentary coalition, the formation of a new Cabinet of Ministers, the new program and coalition and pre-term elections.

According to Yatseniuk, one out of three options should be chosen immediately as soon as possible.

The Prime-Minister hopes that the Rada will choose the first option, which he supposes to be the most acceptable.

“I hope that the participants of parliamentary coalition, primarily the Radical Party and “Samopomich”, will take the decision on the renewal of activities of parliamentary coalition and further movement towards reforms in Ukraine”, Yatseniuk stated. 

The Prime Minister called the announcement of preterm elections the least appropriate.

As Korrespondent.net reported, the former US ambassador in Ukraine Steven Pifer stated that this week Kyiv will appoint the new prime minister of the country. According to him, Arsenii Yatseniuk will be replaced by the Head of the Ministry of Finance Natalia Yaresko.


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