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New Minister of Finance Tells about Plans on IMF and Taxes

Friday, 15 April 2016 16:28

Danyliuk promises to continue Yaresko’s policy in the Ministry of Finance, but will change her staff, «Страна.ua» reports.

The new Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk considers that it is unlikely to speak about the radical change of system in the near future, he stated in interview to RBC-Ukraine.

“If we speak about continuing tax reform, then I support it. I support liberal opinions, this is my basis. This is the question of negotiations”, - he said.

In the meantime, according to Alexander Danyliuk, in the near future it is unlike to speak about the radical change of system.

“First we need to show that we will be able to arrange proper administration, and here we should do a lot. And, I think, if we show success, and I am sure that we will show, and this is my principal position, then we will be able to speak about changes”, Minister of Finance emphasized.

He also noted that proper administration will provide the opportunity to release additional resources.

”But these opinions should be balanced with our reality. However I will protect my libertarian approach to the maximum. And I do not understand why IMF can be against”, - Danuliuk stated.

He also stated that staff will change at the Ministry of Finance.

“My principle is the following: we should teach people that the political team comes and reforms irrespective of relationships. I will decide separately if the composition will change fully or partially. But I think that the Minister should have the opportunity to select his team. In the end, this is the minister’s responsibility. It is not obligatory that all deputies will dismiss, but I reserve such possibility”, Minister of Finance reports.

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