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Ukrainian Pharmaceutists Fear Influx of Non-Quality Pharmaceuticals

Tuesday, 10 May 2016 15:57

The representatives of the pharmaceutical field have urged the government to reconsider the resolution on the simplified access of pharmaceuticals to the Ukrainian market, Correspondent.net reports.

The pharmaceuticals, which are registered in the USA, Canada, Japan and EU countries, but in fact are produced in third world countries with the right to sell exclusively in developing countries, can massively enter the Ukrainian market. Such fears have been stated by the representatives of the Association of Pharmaceutical Producers of Ukraine.

According to the Association, this can happen in case if the resolution on the simplified import of pharmaceuticals, registered in USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Australia and EU countries.

“The situation may occur when through the contracted procedure of registration without availability of necessary documents in Ukraine the pharmaceuticals of doubtful quality, which are registered in countries with tough regulatory policy, will be registered , but not for sale in these countries, but for the sale in third world countries”, as the association’s statement says.

The representatives of the field have explained that the EU legislation allows pharmaceutical countries to register medications with the right of sale exclusively beyond the EU borders. Meanwhile, the pharmaceuticals, not entering the internal market, are not subject to the tough examination by EU structures. In fact, such pharmaceuticals can be produced even not in the countries of the European Union, but in Pakistan, India or China by the order of the pharmaceutical company from the European Union.

Consequently, the Ukrainian pharmaceutists have urged the government to revise the initiative regarding the simplified procedure of registration of pharmaceuticals, produced in the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Switzerland and EU countries.

“In order not to allow entering to the market of adulterated, counterfeit, subprime products, which can pose threat to life and health of citizens, we ask the Prime Minister to give orders on development of the initiative of the government regarding the simplified procedure of the state registration of pharmaceuticals”, - as it is said in association’s address to the government.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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