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Groisman: Single Price for Gas to Replace Its Import

Friday, 13 May 2016 16:49

The Prime Minister wants to develop its domestic production in order to fully refuse from its import, Correspondent.net.

The single price for gas will give the opportunity to increase the domestic gas production and refuse from its import, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman said during the question hour, Ukrinform reports.

“The question of the gas price in Ukraine was corrupt, including the so-called “setting different prices”, when the gas was sold to one category of citizens at one price, and the other – at other price. The millions of cubic meters of gas were sold at commercial prices. And the highly raised social norms gave the opportunity to make billions”, Groisman said.

In addition, according to him, during so many years the national system of gas production was destroyed.

“The constant decrease of domestic production led to the increase of dependence on the import. And this means the dependence on the Russian Federation. No energy saving measures were taken, in order to get off this needle”, the Prime Minister emphasized.

Meanwhile, according to Groisman, the actions of the previous government led to the fact that Ukraine is dependent on gas supplies from Europe.

“The previous government reduced the consumption and transferred us from gas tube of the Russians to gas tubes of European partners. Our task is to become an energy independent country. For this, we need to increase our domestic production, to launch energy saving and use alternative energy sources”, Head of Government considers.

In addition, it is his belief that it is Ukrgasdobycha which destroyed the sale of gas of domestic production with low prices.

“No technical modernization, no possibilities. Now, when we have one single price for gas, we should increase our domestic production and liquidate corrupt prices”, Groisman added.

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