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Odessa Court Defends Investments to Economy

Thursday, 18 August 2016 17:20

The interference of politicians with OOPP case is nothing more than the publicity stunt, according to the expert.

Today, the scandalous case of Odessa OPP bankruptcy was heard in the Economic Court of Odessa. While the information on the case status is contradictory in difference sources, the famous attorney and expert in asset protection Yurii Sukhov commented the situation.

“”I find today’s decision on acknowledging the loan arrears of the foreign shareholder of the company to be justified and well-considered. It would be strategically shortsighted to allow ignoring foreign loan arrears. The court had not only enough legal argumentation, but also the reasonability not to hit the investment climate of the country and the country’s image. Evidently the court fully and objectively considered the case and agreed with stated claims, as the company allocated funds for the development of the Ukrainian plant. Any of such investments are the investments in Ukraine, and it is very important to send a signal to the West that we support European values”, Sukhov noted.

Regarding the interference of politicians with this dispute, this looks more like a publicity stunt, the expert noted. “I would advise to firstly get the gist of the conflict and the recommended way of its settlement. As a rule, under the settlement agreement all lenders have the equal conditions, and the lender with the largest arrears loses most of all, that’s why on the shareholder’s part this, first of all, looks like the refusal from personal profit in favor of the operating capacity of the plant”, Sukhov considers.

Meanwhile, he noted that the addition of politics to the corporate dispute leads to such consequences as fomenting social tension. “Returning to the topic of the plant, I can assume that the settlement agreement is the optimal option, the operating plant is money to the budget, jobs and salaries to people”, the expert summarized.

Source: Correspondent.

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