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Bank of America: World in Matrix with 50% Probability

Friday, 09 September 2016 15:40

The Bank told its clients about the probability of humankind existence in computer simulation.

The humankind lives in computer simulation with the probability of 20-50 percent, Bank of America Merrill Lynch wrote in statement for its clients, Business Insider reports.

The company refers to the comments of inventor Ilon Musk, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and philosopher Nick Bostrom.

“Many scientists, philosophers and business leaders consider that there exists a 20-50% probability that people already live in virtual world of simulation network”, according to the bank document.

The bank analysts remind that in April the researchers gathered to discuss this issue in the American Museum of Natural History.

It is supposed that taking into account the achievements in the sphere of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, by expanding the computing capacity, in future the civilization could launch the simulation of their ancestors.

Bank of America provided three probable scenarios of humankind development, which Bostrom highlighted: humankind extinction before it reaches the “post-human” stage; the humankind reaches the post-human existence, but will not simulate the evolutionary history; we are already in the matrix.

According to the edition, the consequences of this opinion for investment policy remain unclear.

It should be reminded that on June 1, at Code Conference Musk claimed that the humankind is in the matrix.

In his turn, Bostrom explained that the unpopularity of such opinion and the literal perception by ordinary people is connected with the fact that most philosophical works collect dust on the librarian shelves.

“We need to understand that the fact that we are in simulation, has not the metaphorical, but the literal meaning, that we and the whole world exist inside the computer, built by some developed civilization”, the philosopher said.

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