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SCU Declines to Cancel UAH 86 Billion Fine for Gazprom

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 15:36

The Supreme Court of Ukraine declined Gazprom to conduct the hearing of the case on cancellation of Kyiv Economic Court ruling dated April 13, under which the court returned without consideration the Gazprom’s claim for cancellation of AMCU’s decision regarding the fine, amounting to UAH 85.965 bln, according to the Supreme Court ruling dated September 13, Ukrainian News reports.

As it was reported, on January 22, 2016, AMCU imposed fine, amounting to UAH 85.966 bln, on Gazprom for abusing monopoly on gas transit through Ukraine.

Gazprom stated that AMCU has no authorities on regulation of transit through Ukraine, but on the last possible day for filing claim – April 12 – registered the claim on annulment of this AMCU’s decision in Kyiv Economic Court.

By its ruling dated April 13, 2016, in the case №910 / 6797/16, Kyiv Economic Court returned without consideration Gazprom’s claim on appealing against the AMCU’s fine.

The reason for returning became the improper execution of the statement of claim, in particular, the non-provision of evidence, confirming the authorities of the person, signing the claim.

Kyiv Appellate Economic Court declined Gazprom’s complaint, which asked to annul the ruling of Kyiv Economic Court, which left unconsidered the statement of claim of the Russian company on appealing against the AMCU’s decision on imposition of fine. 


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