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Danyliuk Names Real Resources for State Budget Replenishment

Thursday, 20 October 2016 17:35

The special confiscation of “Yanukovych’s funds” needs to be completed – this is the real resource for budget replenishment, Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk said on Wednesday night to 5 Channel.  

“Nearly UAH 40 bln are the real resources, but they are not confiscated. “Yanukovych’s funds” have not been confiscated for more than two years. This process should be completed, and the new law, which was developed by the government and brought before the Verkhovna Rada, solves this issue”, the minister said.

“That is why this issue is currently up to the Verkhovna Rada. Please vote, there is a resource. It is more than 40 bln, but we conservatively included 10.5 into the draft budget”, he noted.

According to him, the privatization is one more real resource of budget revenues.

“The privatization is a very important issue. Because if we see how many enterprises are not privatized, then we see the same situation with special confiscation. There is a resource, which loses its value”, Danyliuk noted. 

It should be reminded that the Verkhovna Rada intends to consider the draft budget for 2017 in the first reading at the plenary session on October 20


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