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Offshore fraud 77 million UAH worth exposed in the Sumy region

Tuesday, 16 July 2013 13:51


Investigation continues

Police investigators of the Sumy unit of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties together with the Security Service of Ukraine in the Sumy region exposed a multimillion dollar illegal scheme for evasion of income tax and withdrawal of capital abroad, the Ministry’s press service informs.

In recent years the management of a machine-building enterprise that is a large tax payer and works closely with many foreign countries, has been using an illegal scheme by reporting in strict accountability documents various agency agreements with entities registered in offshore areas, for promoting and sale of company products.

According to the Deputy Head of the Main Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties Serhii Ketsko, through receiving "virtual" services from offshore companies for conducting commercial negotiations and approval of contracts with nonresident customers, about 77 million UAH were illegally withdrawn to the offshore and the company’s gross expenditure overvalued.

Now the managers of the Sumy company are charged with tax evasion amounting to about 5 million UAH.

Financial investigations Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Revenues in the Sumy region introduced the data on committing a criminal offense in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations, and initiated criminal proceedings on the grounds of paragraph 3 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Further investigative action is underway.

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