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People’s Capital Bank Shareholders Ask Court to Cancel NBU Decision on Declaring Bank Insolvent

Friday, 17 February 2017 17:34

The shareholders of People’s Capital Bank ask the court to cancel the NBU decision on declaring the bank insolvent, Finance.ua reports.

4 individuals, the shareholders of the People’s Capital Bank, ask the court to cancel the decision of the National Bank on declaring the bank insolvent.

The shareholders of the People’s Capital Bank applied to the District Administrative Court – Svetlana Ostapenko (owned 7.9%), Alexei Yaroshenko (9.1%), Alexander Voroniak (8.6%) and Bogdan Lutskyi (8.1% of shares).

They demand to rule the NBU decision illegal regarding declaring the bank bankrupt and insolvent.

The court initiated the proceeding on the claims of bank shareholders and set trial dates for mid-June.

As reported, at the session of January 16, the shareholders of People’s Capital Bank approved the decision on its self-liquidation.

NBU did not approve the self-liquidation of the bank and declared it insolvent on January 19.

The Deposit Insurance Fund will pay UAH 6.4 mln to bank depositors.  

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