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NACA to Verify Declarations of Four Judges of High Economic Court

Monday, 27 March 2017 17:40

The NACA started the full verification of 11 declarations.

The incorrect information may be indicated in declarations.

The National Anti-Corruption Agency (NACA) starts the full verification of declarations of 11 persons, authorized to perform functions of state and local self-government, among which there are four judges of the High Economic Court of Ukraine, according to the NACA press office, Correspondent.net reports.

“The information about the possible indication of incorrect information in declarations, obtained by NACA from physical persons, public organizations and law enforcement agencies became the ground for conducting such verification of declarations”, according to the message.

In particular, NACA will verify the declarations of four judges of the High Economic Court, five people’s deputies, the officials of the Verkhovna Rada and Kharkiv regional state administration.

“The beginning of the full verification of the declaration is the day, following the day of acceptance of the respective decision”, as it was noted in NACA.

The agency also informed about four rejections of verifications of declarations upon the requests of physical persons, legal entities, mass media and other sources about possible incorrect information in declarations.

As Correspondent.net reports, last week, NACA started the verification of declarations of seven people’s deputies, the prosecutor of Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office, the military prosecutor of ATO forces, the former judge and employee of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

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