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Rada Proposed Creating “Grand Chamber” in Constitutional Court

Wednesday, 10 May 2017 18:10

The Verkhovna Rada registered the draft law On Constitutional Proceeding, which defines the mechanism of realization of the civil right of appeal to the Constitutional Court.

As posted on the parliamentary site, People’s Deputy from BPP Sergei Alekseev is the author of the respective draft law № 6427, Finance.UA reports.

According to the explanatory note, the purpose of the draft law is the legislative implementation of the procedure of realization of the right of the constitutional appeal and the compliance with the requirements of the Constitution in regard to the procedure of taking constitutional proceedings by the Constitutional Court.

The draft law stipulates the institution of the Grand Chamber, operating as part of the panel of the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which solves the issues in cases on constitutional representations and constitutional statements.

“Two senates of the Court, each of which operates as part of the panel of nine judges, should ensure the court hearing of the questions, related to compliance of the laws (their separate provisions) on the constitutional appeal of the individual with the Constitution of Ukraine. Six panels of judges, each of which consists of three judges, are created for solving procedural issues”, - as said in the explanatory note to the document.

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