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EU Council Endorses Visa-Free Regime for Ukraine

Thursday, 11 May 2017 17:13

Now, all that is left to do is to sign the agreement on May 17.

The Council of the European Union approved the decision on granting the visa-free regime to Ukraine, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko posted in Facebook on Thursday, May 11, Correspondent.net reports.

“The Council of Ministers of the European Union approved the final decision on granting the rights to visa-free travels to the citizens of Ukraine. On May 17, in Strasbourg, in the European Parliament, as we agreed with our European friends, the respective regulatory act will be officially signed. It is perhaps one of the most important visits of mine for three years of incumbency at the post of the President”, he said.

According to the President, after the decision is published in the official EU journal, it will come into force.

“On June 11, 34 European countries will give the green light for the owners of Ukrainian biometric passports for visa-free short-term trips”, Poroshenko added.

The President noted that “the visa-free regime is much more than the simplified method of going abroad, it is the gigantic step to Europe, towards the assurance of human freedom and the independence of our state”.

It should be reminded that on April 26, the Committee of Permanent Representatives of Member States of the EU approved the decision on granting the visa-free regime of Ukraine, and on April 6, the European Parliament voted for the visa-free regime for Ukraine.

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