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HRW Criticizes Blocking of Russian Sites

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 16:46

The human rights advocates consider that Poroshenko needs to take measures on the protection of the freedom of speech and information in Ukraine, Correspondent.net reports.

The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch considers that President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko should cancel the blocking of banned Russian sites. As noted in the statement of the organization’s representative Tania Kuper, Poroshenko also needs to take measures on the protection of the freedom of speech and information in Ukraine.

“In one stroke Petro Poroshenko delivered tremendous blow at the freedom of speech in Ukraine. This is unforgivable violation of the Ukrainian law on obtaining information at their option, the European Union and other international partners of Ukraine should immediately encourage Ukraine to cancel it”, as said in Kuper’s statement.

She emphasized that it is one more example of that easiness, with which “Poroshenko illegitimately tries to control the public discourse in Ukraine”.

“Poroshenko can try to justify this measure, but this is a cynic attack on the right of information, which influences millions of Ukrainians and their personal and professional life”, the representative of Human Rights Watch noted.

The human rights advocates noted that as of April 2017, 78% of all Internet users in Ukraine (about 20 million) have accounts in VKontakte.

Previously, the Internet association considered that they need about two years and one billion dollars for the full blocking of Russian sites.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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