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Oshchadbank’s Cards to Be “UnBound” from Branches

Friday, 19 May 2017 16:32

The state bank changes the main principle of servicing clients.

Oshchadbank’s cards will not have “home” branch.

The state Oshchadbank plans to cancel the binding of cards and accounts with branches, the press office of the financial institution reports, Segodnya reports.

Thus, Oschadbank initiated the implementation of IT project “United Data”, permitting to “unbind” a client from the concrete branch. The project will ensure the consolidation of information on 24 regional bank branches into the unified centralized system.

Each of regional branches will be consecutively switched to the new system, the state bank reports.

“Each regional branch had its MFO, its balance and its software version. The basis for such functioning was the software complex, which within the new project will be replaced with a totally new system…Virtually, we lay a new single basis. It will create a base for servicing clients in the “single point of contact””, Chairman of Oshchadbank Andrey Pyshnyi emphasized.

The project implementation started in mid-2015. Currently, the functional testing of all modules of the system was conducted and the first stages of migration of the data of clients of the central office and one of the regions were undergone.

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