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National Bank Recommends that Business Should Switch over to Euro Settlements

Tuesday, 23 May 2017 17:48

Deputy NBU Governor Ekaterina Rozhkova came up with such suggestion during the round table meeting on Monday, organized by FinClub.

She explained the expectation with the European directives being actively implemented in Ukraine now.

“We already added many amendments into the regulatory and legal framework; we are still preparing many amendments regarding the compliance. As soon as we implement everything we planned, it will be simpler to work with Eurozone’s banks”, Rozhkova said.

As reported, the bankers are ready to support the initiative. “We will address this challenge and switch clients to euro settlements”, Chairperson of the Management Board of Globus bank Sergei Mamedov promised.

However, to switch all the contracts into euro settlements is impossible. “Asia, South Korea, Japan, China do not want to switch over euro settlements”, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Concord Bank and the processing center ProCard Elena Sosedka noted.

In addition, after opening the correspondent euro accounts at European banks Ukrainian institutions will have the same challenges, which appeared among U.S. partners now.

“Most European banks, having subsidiary banks in the U.S., build the same control systems. And if we switch to euro settlements, we will have the same challenges”, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of Tascombank Maxim Zemlyanoi warned.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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