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Ukraine’s Space Program Turned into Black Hole

Tuesday, 06 June 2017 17:09

The state allocates funds for the space industry, but there is no clear policy on it.

The expert Andrei Kolesnik considers that Ukraine never formed any space policy for the whole time of independence.

He told in the materials for ZN.ua that the absence of country’s space targets can be explained by the imperfect legislation, absence of the political will and highly qualified staff, the weakness of respective institutions and limited financing. However, according to Kolesnik, the budget funds are allocated for the space industry.

“Notwithstanding the never established long-term targets of the state policy, the National Targeted Scientific and Technical Space Program is developed and implemented for their achievement each five years. The Soviet Union with the planned economy disappeared long time ago, but the five-year plans were revived in one of the industries of Ukraine”, the author told.

In addition, Kolesnik explained problems in the space industry with the unwillingness of major players to have clearly set targets of the space activities and its trends.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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