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Lutsenko: GPOU Conducts Investigation on Some Ministers

Monday, 03 July 2017 17:14

The General Prosecutor’s Office conducts investigation against some ministers in Vladimir Groisman’s government, General Prosecutor Yurii Lutsenko said during the interview to “Time. News Summary” at 5 Channel.

“I cannot exclude new information about people’s deputies as well as the actions against acting ministers. Currently, the investigation is being conducted against many persons involved, as well as we have questions to acting and former ministers. They also passed at some separate party’s quota of the coalition government”, Lutsenko noted.

In the meantime, he did not mention any surname.

Meanwhile, the general prosecutor stated that GPOU had collected sufficient evidence for lifting the immunity from 6 people’s deputies, the petitions for which were already filed to the Verkhovna Rada.

“We have collected sufficient evidence in order to convince the unprejudiced deputies of the necessity to lift the immunity and continue pretrial investigation”, Lutsenko said.

According to him, the documents, video and audio records will be demonstrated while considering petitions for lifting the immunity.   

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