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Gontareva Can Bring Down Poroshenko – Expert

Wednesday, 05 July 2017 16:54

The political expert stated that Poroshenko is deferring the appointment of NBU Governor in order to avoid the audit of Gontareva’s activities.

Petro Poroshenko is deferring the appointment of NBU Governor, trying to avoid the audit of Valeria Gontareva’s activities and to conceal financial machinations, the political expert Igor Khsiv said in his comments for 24.

It is connected with the absence of the president’s willingness to appoint the qualified expert for this post. Because he understands that the new man, once in office, will start the audit of the predecessors’ activities. There is need to defer the conduct of such audit. The more time passes, the more chances to cover up the tracks.

Meanwhile, he emphasized: the specified audit can cause a significant public outcry, “because there are too many questions to Gontareva – how did the refinancing of banks happen? How and whom were these funds allocated to?” “If the question of her responsibility comes up, Gontareva may state that she fulfilled the President's orders. As long as there is a question on the movement of hundreds of billions of hryvnias, allocated for refinancing the bankrupt banks, the observance of banking regulations while conducting these transactions remains questionable”.   

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