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Ukrzaliznytsia Might Not Raise Tariffs for Three Years – People’s Deputy

Friday, 22 September 2017 17:10

The Radical Party suggested the alternative of raising the cargo transportation tariffs.

Raising the cargo transportation tariffs is not the only and best way to find money for Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ), People’s Deputy of Ukraine and Head of Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship Victor Galasiuk said, Segodnya reports.

“Our team of the Radical Party offers the alternative – how not to raise tariffs for three years and considerably develop the infrastructure of Ukrzaliznytsia, to purchase new cars. We need to sell 10% of shares of Ukrzaliznytsia to the strategic investor. It will give several dozens of billions of proceeds. We need to buy new cars for these money, modernize the railroad, develop production. And we do not need to raise tariffs”, Galasiuk said.

According to the people’s deputy, such measures will allow simultaneously overcoming corruption, developing Ukrzaliznytsia and not raising tariffs.

For implementation of the plan, it is required to approve the necessary regulatory acts, Galasiuk noted. “We address to the Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure. And we are ready to ensure approval of such legislation”, the deputy said.

“We do not need a groundless privatization, embezzlement of state properties and conservation of corruption and inefficiency, which exist today. We need other, alternative way, which we offer – corporatization, attraction of investments. We do not need to raise tariffs so as the Ministry of Infrastructure wants to do it today. Then the Ukrainian metallurgists, miners, agrarians will work and transport products. Ukraine will have export, the hryvnia will be strong”, Galasiuk summarized.

It should be reminded that it is planned to raise railroad cargo transportation tariffs by 22.5% from October 1, 2017.  

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