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Kaskiv expects triple increase in investment in domestic automobile industry

Monday, 04 November 2013 14:47

AutoPROm 2013 conference starts in Kyiv

As part of the Council of foreign and domestic investors under the President of Ukraine V International Conference of the automobile industry in Ukraine AutoPROm2013 opens 4 November 2013, the press service of the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine informs.

«In 2011-2013, about $ 50 million was invested in the automotive industry of Ukraine. A key department of our Agency - InvestUkraine - cooperates with a number of automotive companies that come today to the market and establish new production. According to forecasts based on signed documents between InvestUkraine and leading companies, we expect next year's investment in the sector to grow threefold», Chairman of the Agency Vladyslav Kaskiv announced in his speech

According to Mr. Kaskiv, InvestUkraine provides support to global market leaders - pioneer Japanese, European and American companies - that operate in Ukraine. They supply auto components and accessories for the automotive industry world leaders such as Volkswagen Group, GMC, Toyota, PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN Group and others.

V. Kaskiv stressed that for localization of European production in Ukraine, the Agency also implements the National project «Industrial Parks», which provides for the establishment of production sites for the development of the automotive industry of Ukraine.

Head of the State Agency for Investment said: «Our country has a number of competitive advantages that are of interest among investors in the automotive industry. They include the country's location at the crossroads of markets between the EU and the Customs Union, the presence of a large domestic market and highly skilled workers. In addition, specific prospects for the automotive industry in Ukraine will be opened after the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU».

Kaskiv added that according to the Boston Consulting Group’s forecast, the demand for cars in Ukraine in 7 years will increase by 2.5 times, and in 2020 about 50 thousand cars will be sold.

The conference is attended by over 50 leading companies in the automotive industry of Ukraine, 15 heads of diplomatic missions, members of government and parliament.

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