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EU Will not Give Ukraine EUR 600 Mln Due to Non-Fulfillment of 4 Obligations out of 21

Thursday, 11 January 2018 17:58

The European Union assesses the possibility of provision of a new macro-financial aid to Ukraine, Head of EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugo Mingarelli said to Ukrainian Radio, Ukrainian News reports.

“In November, during the Eastern Partnership Summit, President Poroshenko personally applied to President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker with the question on whether the European Union can provide macro-financial aid to Ukraine. And Mr. Juncker said to his agencies to assess the volume of aid, which is necessary for Ukraine so that to assess the possibility of provision of such new macro-financial aid to Ukraine”, he reported.

According to him, the European Commission “cannot now” allocate the tranche of EU macro-financial aid, amounting to 600 mln euros,  due to non-fulfillment of 4 out of 21 conditions for provision of such aid.

As Ukrainian News reported, the National Bank expects that in 2018, Ukraine will be able to attract other 35 bln dollars from IMF.

The National Bank considers that Ukraine should start negotiations with the International Monetary Funds regarding the new program before the completion of the previous one.

NBU expects for the next tranche from IMF in half a year, and for mission in late January.

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